Monthly Archive 22 November 2022

The elementary unit of mass, the ratio between dark matter and dark energy, thermal energy

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which was printed by the Tribuna Economică publishing house, in the year 2021, with ISBN 987-973-688-429 -0; work is also listed at

We propose to calculate:

  1. Elementary unit of mass;
  2. The relationship between dark matter and dark energy;
  3. The elementary unit of temperature.


In the basic work (MBBR) we showed that the highest speed in the Universe is 1 Psu/Ptu(v. (MBBR ) The first quantification). Extrapolating this result, we could say that the speed of light has a unit value in accordance with the concepts and units of measurement defined in (MBBR).

To perform the calculations, see here the conversion formulas between the Planck and SI coordinate systems as well as the constants used in all articles as defined in the MBBR.

See the full article, in PDF format, HERE!

Why is time not reversible?

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which was printed by the Tribuna Economică publishing house, in the year 2021, with ISBN 987-973-688-429 -0; work is also listed at

We aim to answer the question in the title – Why is time not reversible? – based on the principles of MBBR.


In the basic work, we defined time as, based on Axiom 2 and Definition 2, the countable sequence of events arising in the process of logical-mathematical thinking, thought carried out by a creative Consciousness.

See the full article, in PDF format, HERE!

Bentley’s Paradox

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which was printed by the Tribuna Economică publishing house, in the year 2021, with ISBN 987-973-688-429 -0; work is also listed at

We aim to solve the paradox in the title based on the principles of MBBR.


In short, the paradox refers to Newton’s theory of gravity applied at the cosmological level, namely, if the universe were finite then the stars being attracted to each other by means of gravity then they should all collapse into one point; if the universe is infinite then the forces of attraction would be infinite which would break the stars apart.

See the full article, in PDF format, HERE!