Tag Archive constant

The Hubble constant

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which was printed by the Tribuna Economică publishing house, in the year 2021, with ISBN 987-973-688-429 -0; work is also listed at: bigbangdigitalmodel.com

In the present study we derive a MBBR-compatible formula for the Hubble constant.

Starting from the formula for calculating the gravitational constant, a formula specific to this work, we deduce the average density of the Universe.


Obviously, for the very early universe it is premature to discuss redshift, the expansion of the Universe and the Hubble constant. All we want to prove is that, under the conditions of the mathematical formalism of the Cold Big Bang Model, the Hubble constant, defined below, is inversely proportional to the age of the Universe.

To perform the calculations, I will use the following elements as they were defined in the CBBM: click here to see them.

See the full article, in PDF format, HERE!