Modelul Big Bang (Big Bang Model)

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ByValentin Ionescu Posted 22 November 2022

The elementary unit of mass, the ratio between dark matter and dark energy, thermal energy

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which w

ByValentin Ionescu Posted 22 November 2022

Why is time not reversible?

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which w

ByValentin Ionescu Posted 22 November 2022

Bentley’s Paradox

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which w

ByValentin Ionescu Posted 20 October 2022

If the universe is finite in space, then what is beyond it?

This article refers to and is at the same time a supplement to the work The Cold Big Bang Model, hereafter called MBBR or the basic work, which w